Look what I found! Luverne, MN is the best kept secret in the midwest.
Luverne, Minnesota is the best kept secret in the midwest. With the tri-state band festival, Blue Mounds State Park, and more this is a great place to visit.
Luverne, Minnesota is the best kept secret in the midwest. With the tri-state band festival, Blue Mounds State Park, and more this is a great place to visit.
Recently while exploring the attic crawl space I came across this box, the Jefferson Wizard Doorbell Transformer along with a ten pound can of commercial putty. The Citizens National Bank was built in 1901 when the streets of Worthington, Minnesota were dirt. Horses, wagons and trains were the only means of transportation. The bank was …
WHEN I TURNED SIXTY I EARNED MY JUNIOR PHILOSOPHERS BADGE! I am honored by friend requests and yet I am tormented. I make many friends far and wide and I suspect they don’t know my political persuasions. Most of my friends hold fast in spite of political differences. I respect them for that. I started …
It was 150 years ago when Joesph Muck and his brother caught their first muskrats near my community of Worthington. Since that time we have made some progress that has allowed many people to afford food, shelter and employment. There were attractions that brought notoriety to this region and community. It was fertile soil, amply …
MEET THE GUYS THAT OWN THE SKY! They wandered into my store one day and I thought I recognized them. After I greeted them, I realized these fellows are industrial crane operators. In South Western Minnesota crane operators are the big boys! This region is home to one of the largest wind generator fields in …
From a small town in South Western Minnesota I take time for Thanksgiving. I thank the people of my community that strive to make our town a better place. I thank others that have shown up to fill the demographic void that was left by my grand parents, my parents and many others who have …
The world shrinks and seems smaller than ever as I visit with friends on the internet. They are from Morocco, France and the U.K. They are paying attention to Aung San Suu Kyi and her country of Myanmar, once known as Burma. She is no longer bound by military house arrest. She is speaking …
I live in a small town in South Western Minnesota it is a great anthropological laboratory. In my little community of 11,000 inhabitants, sixty different languages are spoken. I challenge you to find a wealth of diversity most any where else. I was born completely amazed with all that surrounds me and Worthington has not …
The hood of the car would open and my high school buddies would look wide eyed as they peered into the engine compartment. They could not have been more in awe of this marvel of technology. I grew up in a town of four thousand and this was an event of significance. We had never …