I like shopping at fancy grocery stores when I get the chance.
It is fun to have a bountiful selection and be able to splurge on occasion on items we feel are a luxury.
I justify this by not doing it on a weekly basis but perhaps once every few months when I travel to a larger city.
I was born amazed by all things that surround me and with this notion I am consumed by what causes people to behave the way we do,
Decision making, purchasing, consuming is part of that process.
Enclosed is a photo of a product that has caused me to reflect on buying habits and the impressionable and affluent American public.
The description uses all the appropriate buzz words for todays discriminating consumer.
Non-GMO. (Its water)
Juice free. (It’s still water)
Sugar free. (Water)
Gluten free. (It’s not wheat/barley/rye water, its water)
Vegan. (It’s Vegan water?)
Looking at the label of contents offers additional information, it’s not Lime, it is organic Lime “flavor” extract?
This means that it is genuinely not flavored with anything that has anything to do with the lime fruit as we know it.
The water has been filtered? All drinking water has some sort of filtration.
It’s claim is to make you “feel good”?
My favorite I.P.A. also makes me feel good and it too is filtered and costs half the price.
Alas, I’m a bleeding heart liberal but a fiscal conservative.
Today I spent five dollars on four cookies, I consider them some of the best cookies in the world and I bought two packages.
I guess I’ve thrown caution to the wind , having worked full time for fifty years I have the money and I paid cash.
Ring up the Iced Ginger Snap cookies and the Sparkling Probiotic Water, We’re back in town and living large.